Islam in Europe -työpaja Helsingin yliopistossa
Islam in Europe Workshop
University of Helsinki
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Venue: Unioninkatu 38, F205
10:15 Opening words and welcome
Professor Tuula Sakaranaho (University of Helsinki)
10:30 Islam and the secular in Europe: From canon to chaos
Professor Jørgen Nielsen (University of Copenhagen)
11:30 Turks in Europe : a religious or an ethnic minority?
Professor Samim Akgönül (University of Strasburg)
12:00 Lunch
Venue: F216
13:00 Legal Reform as a pathway of gender justice: The Case of Egypt’s
Muslim Family Laws, Dr. Mulki Alsharma
13:30 Headscarf Debates and National Identity in France
PhD Candidate Johanna Konttori
14:00 The Intersectional Identity of Muslim Youth
PhD Candidate Teemu Pauha
14.30 Coffee
14.45 Lived religion and the governance of Islam:
Comparative views on Somali women in Finland and in Canada
Dr. Marja Tiilikainen
15.15 The founding of the Islamic Council of Finland: Emancipation and state intervention
Dr. Tuomas Martikainen
15.45 Conclusion